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UK Police Forces Unite for HeForShe Ally Event

UK Policing HeForShe Event

Police forces across the UK came together on Friday 21st April to share good practice around what it means to be a HeForShe Ally.

All UK police forces have made a commitment to HeForShe to address gender imbalances in middle management teams and to remove the sexism and misogyny, where it exists, in police culture. As a part of this work forces are encouraged to have HeForShe Allies, individuals who stand up for gender equality and take action to remove gender inequalities through their everyday roles. The event hopes to increase the number of allies across UK policing, giving the resources and guidance needed by forces to do this.

The event saw several speakers sharing their personal experiences of being a HeForShe Ally and good practice around how to develop and motivate a network of allies. Poppy Murray, founder of the BE LADS campaign also spoke passionately about her work to encourage men to take an active role in making women feel safer.

HeForShe UK Policing


At the event, Chief Constable Jeremy Vaughan of South Wales Police and UK Policing Lead for HeForShe said

“Changing views and culture is no easy task but we need to do it, we must all be upstanders and not bystanders if we are to achieve this together. HeForShe Allies have an absolutely key role to play in this…We want to support you all, to develop thriving and proactive networks of HeForShe Allies to drive forward your work around gender equality.”

Attendees said they felt inspired by the event and were keen to take back the learning and implement within their local areas. Further details of the progress being made by UK policing, can be found in their most recent annual report.

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