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UN Women Japan Workshop Inspires High School Students to Champion Gender Equality

Japan Liaison Office

On July 31st, the UN Women Japan Liaison Office (JLO) held a workshop with a group of high school students.  This was the very first joint event with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as they approached JLO to partner up and give young students from different schools the opportunity to be exposed to the work of a leading UN agency. In preparation for this workshop, students were encouraged to watch the speech delivered by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at the launch of the HeForShe campaign. The group discussions during the workshop offered new perspectives to students, many of whom were engaging in the conversation on gender equality for the first time. One student remarked, "The HeForShe campaign helped me better understand the importance of men’s involvement in advancing gender equality. I learned that gender equality matters for all."   


The students had the opportunity to interact with UN Women professionals both in person and online. The workshop served as an excellent opportunity for students to grasp the significance of HeForShe principles and recognize the vital role youth can play in advancing gender equality.  


As they continue their journey of learning and advocacy, these students are now better equipped to contribute to a more inclusive and equal society. Through initiatives like this, UN Women and its partners are fostering a generation of young leaders committed to making gender equality a reality for everyone. 

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