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HeForShe is Calling All Male Allies to Become #RespectfullyDisruptive to Achieve Gender Equality

respectfully disruptive

At the HeForShe Summit held on September 21, 2023, UN Women unveiled the #RespectfullyDisruptive theme, with leaders issuing a resounding call to action to disrupt global inequalities. Their call underscored the essence of the "Respectfully Disruptive" theme—a recognition that the status quo must be challenged, and that we must chart a new course towards gender equality. Central to this transformation is the inclusion of men as active partners in the journey. In a world grappling with a myriad of complex challenges, the significance of male allies in propelling gender equality forward cannot be overstated. The HeForShe movement's call implores men and boys not to be mere spectators but active agents of change, committed to reshaping the global landscape of gender equality. 

“We must be ready, wherever and whoever we are, to respectfully disrupt any misogynist behaviour that demeans anyone. We must challenge the portrayal of toxic masculinity and promote positive male role models who champion gender equality.” - Sima Bahous, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women. 

In the words of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, "We must Push Back against anti-rights Pushback." This pushback signifies the resistance against retrogressive attitudes and the drive towards empowering women and achieving gender parity. HeForShe is stepping into the fray by rallying its extensive allyship network and a global movement of over 3 million supporters, urging them to embrace the mantle of "Respectfully Disruptive." 

respectfully disruptive

What is Respectful Disruption  
"Respectful Disruption" translates into action-oriented commitments that contribute tangibly to transforming gender equality into a reality. This encompasses a range of impactful actions: 

  • Active Allyship: Taking proactive steps to bolster gender equality initiatives.
  • Taking Action: Committing to deeds that concretely advance gender balance. 
  • Renewed Dedication: Pledging to intensify efforts towards gender parity.
  • Challenging Bias: Addressing and standing up against biased attitudes and behaviors, whether at home, in society, or in the workplace. 
  • Speaking Out: Using one's voice in private conversations to counteract gender discrimination and bias. 
  • Incorporating Empowerment Principles: Implementing Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) within corporate and workplace settings. 
  • Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Striving to end the gender pay gap.  
  • Promoting Female Leadership: Advocating for more women in leadership positions. 
  • Crafting Gender-Responsive Policies: Designing and implementing workplace policies that foster gender equality, including combating sexual harassment and embracing diversity and inclusion. 

Respectfully Disrupt What?    
The call for "Respectful Disruption" targets several crucial fronts: 

  • Gender Social Norms that perpetuate biases against women,  
  • Harmful, toxic models of masculinities that oversimplify the image of men,   
  • Unequal pay for the work of the same value,   
  • Violence against women,  
  • Regressive attitudes towards gender equality and all behaviors that hold women back.  

Join our #RespectfllyDisruptive theme online by using our assets here:  

Watch the #RespectfullyDisruptive launch video here: 

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