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HeForShe Germany’s HeForShe Journal Expands Its Reach with a Brand-New Dutch Edition

HeForShe Journal Dutch

In 2021, UN Women Germany and HeForShe Germany, launched an amazing resource called The HeForShe Journal. This thought-provoking resource was developed to engage young men and boys in a journey of self-reflection, challenging them to examine and question gender stereotypes, everyday sexism, and their own beliefs about gender equality and masculinity.

The HeForShe Journal isn’t just any diary; it’s a four-week guide to understanding the deep-rooted impact of privilege, socialization, and stereotypes on their lives. Three times a week, the journal poses questions that encourage introspection and foster a more conscious approach to how we think about and engage with the concept of gender.

Building on its success in Germany, this vital tool has now crossed borders. As of August, the HeForShe Journal is available in Dutch, extending its reach to an even broader audience eager to explore these critical issues. Dutch speakers can now download and experience the journal, diving into the same transformative journey that has already inspired many across different cultures:

HeForShe Journal - Dutch

If you don’t speak Dutch, the HeForShe Journal is also available in German, English, and Spanish, ensuring that more people can access and benefit from this powerful resource.

HeForShe Journal – German

HeForShe Journal – English

HeForShe Journal – Spanish 

UN Women Germany and HeForShe Germany encourage everyone to commit to this month-long reflective experience. Once you've completed the journal, they invite you to share your journey with them on social media. What were the questions that resonated with you the most? How did this process change your perspective on gender and masculinity? Are there other questions you believe should be included?

Join the conversation on Instagram at @heforshe_de and use the hashtag #HeForSheAktiv to connect with others on this path of discovery. Whether you're reflecting on your own experiences or passing the journal along to a friend, your voice is a crucial part of this global movement toward gender equality.

Find out more about these resources here: 

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