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The HeForShe Alliance Launches the Male Allyship Toolkit: A Resource for Building Inclusive Workplaces

Toolkit Article Cover

“UK Policing, along with other members of the HeForShe Alliance, have been on a journey with Male Allyship over the last few years and collectively, we have learning we want to share. As a result, the HeForShe Alliance has come together to develop a Male Allyship Toolkit for organisations. This toolkit guides you through how to introduce and motivate a network of male allies, while supporting them to make lasting change towards gender equality.” 

  • Jeremy Vaughan, Chief Constable, South Wales Police 


In today’s evolving workplace, the need for gender equality has never been more urgent. Companies around the world are increasingly recognizing that fostering an inclusive environment is not just a moral imperative but a business one as well. To inspire organizations in this journey, the HeForShe Alliance, led by UK Policing has developed a new resource: the Male Allyship Toolkit. 

What is the Male Allyship Toolkit 

The Male Allyship Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to support men in the workplace to be allies in the pursuit of gender equality.  

Historically, gender equality initiatives have been largely led by women. Achieving equality depends also on men’s agency and everyone’s active participation. This toolkit offers a set of tools, strategies, and insights for building collaborative allyship practices which make a workplace more inclusive.  

The toolkit is rooted in the transforming patriarchal masculinities (TPM) approach, and encourages men to respectfully disrupt social and institutional structures that privilege men.  It offers practical steps on how to ally with women, amplify women’s voices and challenge gender stereotypes starting with the workplace. 

This resource is designed to be accessible and adaptable, ensuring that every organization can benefit from its insights. The Male Allyship Toolkit is more than just a guide; it’s a call to action. It challenges organizations to think differently about gender equality and empowers men to be part of the solution.  


What’s Inside the Male Allyship Toolkit 

The toolkit is divided into three key steps to support organizations at any stage of their male allyship journey. The three steps outlined in this toolkit will guide readers through establishing a strong foundation for male allyship, implementing effective strategies, and maintaining momentum for long-term impact: 

Step 1 – Introducing male allies 
Step 2 – Developing an active network of male allies 
Step 3 – Supporting male allies to make lasting change 

The toolkit also offers practical case studies from HeForShe Alliance members UK Policing, De Beers Group, HCLTech, INSEAD, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and MTN Group. Each of these organizations has contributed their unique experiences and insights gained from their own gender equality and male allyship journeys. They have shared practical strategies, successful initiatives, and lessons learned in promoting gender equality and supporting male allies. 

Why Male Allyship Matters 

Gender equality in the workplace is not just a women’s issue; it’s a business imperative. Research such as the Unstereotype Alliance’s “Inclusion = Income: The Business Case for Progressive Advertising” report consistently shows that companies with diverse and inclusive teams perform better financially, are more innovative, and have higher employee satisfaction. Yet, despite these clear benefits, many organizations struggle to make significant progress in achieving gender balance. 

This is where male allyship comes in. When men are engaged as allies, they can leverage their positions of influence to challenge gender biases, support the advancement of women, and contribute to a more equitable organizational culture. The Male Allyship Toolkit is designed to help organizations tap into this potential, providing a roadmap for engaging men in meaningful ways that align with their values and the overall mission of the organization. 

Read the full toolkit here: HeForShe Male Allyship Toolkit 

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