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UN Women Rwanda is Redefining Humor to Champion Gender Equality through the HeForShe #HinduraBlague Campaign

HeForShe Rwanda

"Humor should unite, not divide!"

This February, UN Women Rwanda launched the #HinduraBlague HeForShe campaign to challenge and eliminate harmful gender stereotypes through respectful and inclusive humor. This initiative is a localized adaptation of the global HeForShe #ChangeThePunchline campaign, which sought to dismantle the public tolerance for sexist humor.

Grounded in the belief that humor can spark meaningful conversations and address difficult topics, #HinduraBlague aims to eliminate public content and narratives that perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes while promoting inclusive, gender-sensitive, and respectful humor.

Building on the success of the IMPACT 10x10x10 initiative in Rwanda in 2015—an effort that empowered men and boys to challenge misogynistic language in social settings—this new phase, "Respectfully Disruptive," tackles the ongoing normalization of misogynistic speech in comedy. By engaging influencers, comedians, and the public, #HinduraBlague fosters dialogue on gender equality and positive masculinities, encouraging young men to take a stand against sexist remarks and behaviors.

This campaign merges humor, social activism, and comedic talent to eliminate sexism as the punchline, inspiring a national movement to reshape entertainment norms and drive behavioral change. As part of this initiative, Rwanda’s rising comedians have been empowered with the knowledge and tools to create gender-sensitive humor, ensuring that comedy unites rather than divides.

"Comedians, you are the agents of change. You are not just simply cracking a joke, but making a statement. Together, let us #ChangeThePunchline and start building jokes that uplift people and unite communities." inspired Ms. Tikikel Tadele Alemu, the UN Women Rwanda Programme Management Specialist as she engaged with the rising comedians.

To strengthen the campaign`s influence on the entertainment industry, UN Women Rwanda partnered with the Gen Z Comedy Show, an innovative and popular platform founded by Rwandan comedian Fally Merci, which showcases stand-up comedians across Rwanda. The #HinduraBlague campaign invites the public, especially young men and boys, to join the movement in challenging sexism and redefining humor in Rwanda. 


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